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May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

"Having fallen the day after a spectacular moon, native elders and traditions hold as extremely sacred and intimately feminine, is our day to celebrate motherhood.

Let this be a celebration of the beauty of creation.  Let your heart feel the truth of love in its purest form.

The love between a mother and child is unparalleled. This mother’s day, celebrate that union by thanking all of those that shared that mothering nature with you.

Mother’s, what you do is a remarkable thing, an undertaking that breaks the ego, and creates selfless love.   Your tireless efforts seemingly go un-noticed or un-appreciated, but rest assured; the gifts that you give us have affected some of us deeply, and we don’t just value them, we grow to uphold the tradition of passing along that love.  You have inspired so many."

Let this day move your soul as you have ours.

Happy Mother’s Day!

May 6, 2009

Unassisted Childbirth: One Woman’s Story

There has been a bit of controversy about unassisted childbirth after Janet Fraser, the birth activist who coined the term “birth rape“, gave birth to a baby girl who died. Afterward, the was a lot of finger-pointing, some support and sorrow... 

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